Grip and release with Quadcopter - ROS

Grip and release with Quadcopter - ROS

We are testing our gripping and release mechanism with our large 25kg quadcopter developed by us. The system picked up and released a 2kg parcel. This drone is one of our test platforms for our smart batteries and ROS project for SPRIND - Bundesagentur für Sprunginnovationen.

We fly ArduPilot running on a CubePilot orange. On the companion computer we are using ROS to create a visual odometry Input for Ardupilot. Our goal is to work on our GNSS denied capabilities for a low flying application (<25m).

We run 2s2p of our smart batteries; so a total of 4 batteries. When flying with GNSS we fly the newly developed Dronecan GPS by UAV-DEV GmbH which also provides heading.

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